An eye-catching keyhole contour appears on p. 250 of the Complex Variables book by Ablowitz and Fokas [2003].

c0 = chebfun('1.5*exp(1i*pi*s)',[0.51 2.49]);          % big circle
c1 = chebfun('1+.2*exp(-1i*pi*s)',[-0.93 0.93]);       % right circle
c2 = -c1;                                              % left circle
p1 = c0(0.51); p2 = c0(2.49);
p3 = real(c0(2.49)) + 1i*imag(c1(-0.93));
p4 = c1(-0.93); p5 = c1(0.93);                         % corner points
p6 = c2(-0.93); p7 = c2(0.93);
p8 = real(c0(0.51)) + 1i*imag(c2(0.93));
s = chebfun('s',[0 1]);
z = join( c0, p2+s*(p3-p2), p3+s*(p4-p3), c1, ...      % the contour
       p5+s*(p6-p5), c2, p7+s*(p8-p7), p8+s*(p1-p8) );
plot(z,'k'), ylim([-1.8 1.8])
hold on, plot([-1 1],[0 0],'.r'), hold off
axis equal, title('Ablowitz-Fokas contour')

Now consider the following integral over this contour (equal to $1/2\pi i$ times the integral as defined by Ablowitz and Fokas), $$ J = {1\over 2\pi i} \int {(z^2 - 1)^{1/2}\over {1+z^2}} dz. $$ We can write the integrand like this,

ff = @(z) (.5i/pi)*(z^2-1)^(1/2)*(-1)^(real(z)>0)/(1+z^2);

where the factor involving real(z) appears in order to avoid inappropriate jumps of branch when $z$ crosses the negative imaginary axis. To compute the keyhole integral in Chebfun, all we need is this:

I = sum(ff(z)*diff(z))
I =
  0.707106781186547 + 0.000000000000000i

This compares well with the exact answer:

Iexact = sqrt(2)/2
Iexact =

Of course, as always with complex contour integrals, you can move the curves without changing the result, so long you are careful not to cross any branch cuts. Here for example we break a few symmetries:

c0 = chebfun('1.5*exp(1i*pi*s)',[0.51 2.38]);          % big circle
c1 = chebfun('1-.03i+.2*exp(-1i*pi*s)',[-0.91 0.80]);  % right circle
c2 = chebfun('-1+.07i-.3*exp(-1i*pi*s)',[-0.89 0.82]); % left circle
p1 = c0(0.51); p2 = c0(2.38);
p3 = real(c0(2.38)) + 1i*imag(c1(-0.91));
p4 = c1(-0.91); p5 = c1(0.80);                         % corner points
p6 = c2(-0.89); p7 = c2(0.82);
p8 = real(c0(0.51)) + 1i*imag(c2(0.82));
z = join( c0, p2+s*(p3-p2), p3+s*(p4-p3), c1, ...      % the contour
       p5+s*(p6-p5), c2, p7+s*(p8-p7), p8+s*(p1-p8) );
plot(z,'k'), ylim([-1.8 1.8])
hold on, plot([-1 1],[0 0],'.r'), hold off
axis equal, title('Another equivalent contour')

The result is the same:

I = sum(ff(z)*diff(z))
I =
  0.707106781186548 - 0.000000000000000i


M. J. Ablowitz and A. S. Fokas, Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2003.