A rose curve is a sinusoid in polar coordinates, that is, $$ r = \sin(k\theta). $$ Rational values of $k$ produce closed curves, while irrational values produce curves of infinite length that fill the unit disc. If $k = 1$, then the result is a circle. These figures can be likened to Lissajous curves as in the Example geom/Lissajous [1].

The Wikipedia page about rose curves [2] contains a nice image of many roses for different rational values of $k$. This Example reproduces that image.

In order to plot the roses, we will paramatrize them in the complex plane using Cartesian coordinates: $$ x(t) = \cos(k t) \sin(t), $$ $$ y(t) = i \cos(k t) \cos(t). $$ Here is a function that creates a chebfun of a rose based on the parameter $k = m/n$ for two integers $m$ and $n$. The domain must be at least as long as $2\pi$ times the least common multiple of $m$ and $n$.

roseCurve = @(m,n) chebfun(@(t) cos(m/n*t).*cos(t)+1i*cos(m/n*t).*sin(t), ...
                           [0, 2*pi*lcm(m,n)], 'trig');

The above command employs the new 'trig' flag for Fourier-based chebfuns, which for smooth periodic functions reduces the average number of terms necessary to represent the function by a factor of about $\pi/2$:

m = 50;  n = 51;
f = roseCurve(m, n);
g = chebfun(@(x) f(x), [0, 2*pi*lcm(m,n)]);
length(g) ./ length(f)
ans =
ans =

Here is the image reproduced.

LW = 'linewidth';
figure('position', [0 0 680 680]), hold on
N = 6;
for m = 1:N
    for n = 1:N
        f = roseCurve(m,n);
        offset = 2.5*m - 2.5i*n;
        plot(f + offset, 'k-', LW, 1)
axis equal tight off

And here is a more ambitious image of the same kind, where the patterns along diagonals become clear.

clf, hold on
N = 12;
for m = 1:N
    for n = 1:N
        f = roseCurve(m,n);
        offset = 2.5*m - 2.5i*n;
        plot(f + offset, 'k-', LW, .8)
axis equal tight off
time = toc;

The above image did not take long to produce:

time =


  1. Chebfun Example geom/Lissajous

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_curve