
Chebfun2 is designed to work with vector valued functions defined on rectangles, as well as scalar valued ones. Our convention is to use a lower case letter for a scalar function, $f$, and an upper case letter for a vector function, $F = \left(f_1,f_2\right)^T$. Vector valued functions can be approximated by objects of type chebfun2v. There are two standard ways to make a chebfun2v:

F = chebfun2v(@(x,y) sin(x), @(x,y) sin(y));     % direct construction

f = chebfun2(@(x,y) sin(x)); g = chebfun2(@(x,y) sin(y));
G = [f;g];                         % Concatenation of two chebfun2 objects

The parallelogram Law

Vector addition, denoted $F + G$, yields another chebfun2v and is computed by adding the two scalar components together. It satisfies the parallelogram law, which can be verified numerically, as in this example:

F = chebfun2v(@(x,y)cos(x.*y),@(x,y)sin(x.*y));
G = chebfun2v(@(x,y)x+y,@(x,y)1+x+y);
abs((2*norm(F)^2 + 2*norm(G)^2) - (norm(F+G)^2 + norm(F-G)^2))
ans =

The gradient theorem

The gradient of a chebfun2 is represented by a chebfun2v and is a vector that points in the direction of steepest ascent of $f$. The gradient theorem says that the integral of $\mathrm{grad}(f)$ over a curve only depends on the values of $f$ at the endpoints of that curve. We can check this numerically by using the Chebfun2v command integral. This command computes the line integral of a vector valued function. Here we check one example to confirm that the gradient theorem holds:

f = chebfun2(@(x,y)sin(2*x)+x.*y.^2);        % chebfun2 object
F = grad(f);                                 % gradient (chebfun2v)
C = chebfun(@(t) t.*exp(100i*t),[0 pi/10]);  % spiral curve
v = integral(F,C); ends = f(pi/10,0)-f(0,0); % line integral
abs(v-ends)                                  % gradient theorem
ans =

Another consequence of the gradient theorem is that the integral of $\mathrm{grad}(f)$ over any closed curve is zero. For example, here is an exotic closed curve, which we plot superimposed on the vector field $\mathrm{grad}(f)$.

circ = @(p) chebfun(@(x) exp(2i*p*pi*x + 0.8i));
C = (circ(1) + circ(3)/1.5 + circ(8)/3.5) / 2;
figure('position', [0 0 600 400])
quiver(F,0.5,'numpts',12), hold on
plot(C, 'r'), axis equal off

Its integral should be zero.

v = integral(F,C)
v =

Curl of the gradient

If the chebfun2v $F$ describes a vector velocity field of fluid flow, then $\mathrm{curl}(F)$ is a scalar function equal to twice the angular speed of a particle in the flow at each point. A particle moving in a gradient field has zero angular speed and hence, $\mathrm{curl}(\mathrm{grad}(f))=0$, a well known identity that can also be checked numerically. For example,

ans =

More information

The code found in this Example can also be found in [1] along with additional information about vector calculus in Chebfun2.


  1. A. Townsend and L. N. Trefethen, An extension of Chebfun to two dimensions, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 35 (2013), C495-C518.