This example comes from a presentation by Qiqi Wang at Oxford in June 2013.

The logistic map is the iteration

$$ x_{n+1} = r x_n (1-x_n), $$

where $r$ is a parameter in the interval $[0,4]$. The map behaves chaotically for certain larger values of $r$, and as $r$ increases, one has the classical example of period doubling as a route to chaos. A picture appears on the back cover of Strang's Introduction to Applied Mathematics [1].

Let's start our iteration with the constant value $x=0.5$, and see how it evolves for a range of values of $r$. Here are steps 0-3:

set(gcf, 'position', [0 0 600 420])
r = chebfun('r',[0 4]);
x = 0.5 + 0*r;
for n = 0:3
  plot(x), grid on, ylim([0 1])
  ylabel(['x(' int2str(n) ')'])
  text(.2,.7,['length(x) = ' int2str(length(x))])
  x = r.*x.*(1-x);

Here are steps 4-7:

for n = 4:7
  plot(x), grid on, ylim([0 1])
  ylabel(['x(' int2str(n) ')'])
  text(.2,.7,['length(x) = ' int2str(length(x))])
  x = r.*x.*(1-x);

Here are steps 8-11:

for n = 8:11
  plot(x), grid on, ylim([0 1])
  ylabel(['x(' int2str(n) ')'])
  text(.2,.7,['length(x) = ' int2str(length(x))])
  x = r.*x.*(1-x);

Let's zoom in on the region $[3.5,4]$ and look at steps 12-15:

r = r{3.5,4}; x = x{3.5,4};
for n = 12:15
  plot(x), grid on, ylim([0 1])
  ylabel(['x(' int2str(n) ')'])
  text(3.52,.7,['length(x) = ' int2str(length(x))])
  x = r.*x.*(1-x);

And here are steps 16-18:

for n = 16:18
  plot(x), grid on, ylim([0 1])
  ylabel(['x(' int2str(n) ')'])
  text(3.52,.7,['length(x) = ' int2str(length(x))])
  x = r.*x.*(1-x);

The reader can have some fun examining these pictures. Where do we see period 1, period 2, period 4, chaos? How does this match what is known about dependence on $r$?

Let's see the final plot more fully:

plot(x), ylim([0 1]), grid on

And let's zoom in on a small interval:

plot(x,'interval',[3.902,3.908]), ylim([0 1]), grid on


  1. G. Strang, Introduction to Applied Mathematics, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, 1986.